

Out now: The Last Kiss EP

Model Sstyxe on a chair in the sea around Tenerife

A new EP! A wrap up of all the singles released in the past year, mastered by Malvae. And a new song. The title song The Last Kiss. Inspired by a casual kiss. What if this kiss had been the last kiss? The last kiss ever? Would you still remember? The cover of this album features a photo from Marcel Huegel. A Swiss photographer with a fine eye for the unusual settings, or ways to make a setting tell a story. Working regularly with model Sstyxe. Both have agreed to collaborate in future releases. I can’t wait. Please listen, like […]

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Featuring on a song by Pi.A: Recharge

Recharge is a typical Cloud fighter song. Cloud fighting is about battling the demons within. Facing your fears and finding the power to blow away the dark clouds above you. Born and based in Berlin, Pi.A started her musical first steps with the age of 15. As the Leadsinger of an underground band, she learned to make music, to write songs and producing album’s. She said ” Making music depends on your emotions and Influences, I’m blessed to be a Rock Chick.” Till today she is inspired by valuable music like Nirvana, Rage Against The Machine, Good Charlotte, TOOL, The Cure and Papa Roach. With this inspirations […]

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How to heal a broken heart?

This has been the tagline for some time now. How to heal a broken heart? It took on a new meaning when I was taken to hospital with a broken heart, but of course usually the phrase is used when a relationship takes a bad turn. There is a new song in the making that tries to answer this question that pains so many. Can there be one answer to all heart pain? Probably not, because there are so many ways a relationship can end. I think this will help in most situations: replay the beautiful moments. My heart has […]

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In the hospital with a broken heart

A broken heart cookie in my hand in the hospital

This was no word joke unfortunately, but a real problem diagnosed in my heart. Not deadly but something that really needed hospital attention. The past week my condition has been treated, but it will take a weeks to fully regain trust that everything is like it should be. For this I need to slowly restart a normal lifestyle. It will take for instance a week to start working again like I used to in the studio. Fortunately I had already prepared some video’s that will release in the coming weeks. Please note, the weekly live streams can only start maybe […]

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A trip to Finland in the winter

Magical snowy parks and forests in Finland at sundown

It was just a crazy idea. Call it a dream. Travel to the North of Finland and see the Northern Lights with my own eyes. Trying to catch a natural phenomenon can be a challenge. Long ago I tried to see a full solar eclipse in the North of France. Unfortunately it was cloudy so I only could “feel” the eclipse passing over and see just a glimpse. And indeed history repeats. I saw only a glimpse of the Northern Lights. This was all I got. That doesn’t mean the trip failed. Quite the opposite. It was one of the […]

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Ten Years Album presentation in Leiden

Planned Pi-A interview in the Wildeman visuals studios

Unfortunately the event has to be rescheduled due to illness. The official presentation of the Ten Years album. The even will still take place at the Bethlehem kerk Lammermarkt 57 in Leiden. The Wildeman visuals studio. Expect a live video call with pi.a. from Berlin. Live music and video clips. Drinks, cake and snacks and of course goodies and a chance to sign up for the CD!

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Collect all Dream Books!

Collection of 3 different dream books

Recently I started a dream journal and from this came the idea to make a B2fab dream book. Music for dreamers and a dream book seemed a perfect match. But why keep it to just one dream book? Maybe you want your own unique dream book to start journaling. And so came the idea to make a collection and if you want to you can collect them all! I’ll make sure you’ll get a different dream book when you order one or when you pick one up at a live show, you can choose which one. Why a book to […]

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Welcome to 2023!

Stage backdrop blue led light cube

There is much to celebrate. More music (a new album release!), more videos, more listeners. There is also still darkness and coldness. I hope for more light and warmth every day. If you subscribed to the newsletter you just got links to goodies, like the latest B2fab Live Songbook and a hidden video that is only used in the live streams. If you support me through Patreon you will also see the not yet released new song and video clip as played in the last live stream of last year. Welcome to 2023!

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A touch of magic

My wish for you is a touch of magic. ukranian model in a red christmas background

In these are dark and cold times my wish for you is a touch of magic. For everyone that is facing a hard time. Pushed into a corner. A dream and a wish for warmer and better times for all of you. The image is inspired by a Ukranian model that allowed me to use this image to wish you the best of times. Enjoy or stay strong. Be kind and be healthy. Let’s end the dark and find the light again in the new year.

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Out now: Love Is Not Time’s Fool feat. Pi.A.

Love Is Not Time's Fool slider with Sara and me traveling

Yes! Another collaboration with Pi.A. from Berlin: Love Is Not Time’s Fool feat. Pi.A. Her creative energy is unimaginable and it is an honor to collaborate. For some this is just a strange line in one of Shakespeare’s sonnets. To me this one sentence says it all. Love can’t be broken by time. A heart can be broken, but even then love goes on.

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