
Category: News

Sad news

In memoriam Ruud Bouman

B2fab only exists because of the many musicians, creatives and supporters that step in every time to help out with writing, singing, and also filming. The producer of two iconic B2fab video clips, Ruud Bouman, unexpectedly passed away. He always had vivid and clear ideas about the story in the song and how to translate that to a storyboard for the video clip. He never asked for any reward for the hours and hours of work that he put into recording and editing a complete video clip. I am very sad. I am also very thankful for all the work […]

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A summer of music

Perfect Cover

As an artists in lockdown these months these month you could either be sulking, because of all the failed plans and missed concerts. Or you could be locked away in your studio writing one song after the other. To be honest, I’m somewhere in the middle, but certainly not sulking. To compensate for missed concerts I started streaming live and there is a steady stream of new songs now. So much so that I am planning a new EP release at the end of the summer. If you know how I work you can already see it taking shape on […]

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When in lock-down, release an EP

Your Number Two EP on keyboard

We are living in a strange time now. Most of the world is in lock-down or more severely quarantined at home. Either also working at home or worse off without work in need of government or charity support. Strange times. If you are having a bad time in lock-down, I hope things will get better soon. Please stay strong. I feel lucky to be able to wait this one out and work in the studio more. Its a very productive time for me musically. Unfortunately playing live on stage is not possible. Like other musicians in the same rut, i […]

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A new EP?

Number Two Promo

Again a period of silence from the studio. Unfortunately I was underground a month due to health problems. You may have picked this up in this post. There are so many new ideas and some of them will indeed make it to a new EP. You might also have picked up that the title will be Your Number Two, of course featuring the song Number Two with Talon David. If not, you heard it here first! Another reason for the current silence is that I have to prepare for live shows the coming month. That means vocal and band coaching […]

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Looking back and forward

Top songs on Spotify of 2019

If you subscribed to the newsletter you already have seen the number of song plays, likes and follows of the past year. What matters most of course is that the numbers are up. Even though I just work hard and try to create songs from the heart, it helps to know that every year more people listen and like. Next year is even more ambitious because I want to play these songs live. The good news there is that the first bookings are already in. There is a new twist to all the good news however, I didn’t look at […]

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The unfairness of child cancer

KiKa Actielogo

This year Facebook tempted me to start a birthday fundraising campaign. As a reward Facebook would also donate. This made me start the fundraising campaign, also because I could choose my organization to donate to. As always I chose the Kika Foundation. You might know by now that I lost my cousin. She had a brain tumor. She was only 8 years old. Every once in a while, looking at young people around you, you think about what she would have become. Instead time stopped and no one will ever know. Please donate

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A new song: Number Two

Number Two Promo

Let’s start the new year with a new song. After one year of piecing the puzzle together, its finally there. The idea for this song came from one of the many contacts I made in music these past years. From a lady with a story to tell. The story of a powerful love. A love so strong that it breaks the boundaries of what is right and what is wrong. When I asked Talon David if she could give this song a voice, I already knew that she could express this powerful message. Her Grammy Foundation winning voice can capture […]

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A video clip for the homeless

Just Follow Me - Homeless

From living a life of material riches to homeless. Is it possible? This is the time of the year to think about those who are not so fortunate. After a visit to one of the features of Lowlands festival this year I got the inspiration for a new clip for Just Follow Me about the homeless. How do you become homeless? Did you start out with a poor start or can you have everything and lose it? It turns out it can happen to anyone of us, but one of the more common ways is through either drug or alcohol […]

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